You know you're a Flickr Addict when .....
1. You think of icons rather than people because you only know your contacts that way.
2. You have bought a new digital SLR after joining Flickr.
3. Your significant other gets mad at you for spending more time with Flickr than with them.
4. You haven’t slept decent in months, due to night after night of hanging out on Flickr.
5. You’re still on Flickr at 05:30 in the morning…and work starts at 09:00.
6. You see a red balloon flying around in the wind in someone’s back yard and wonder whether you should post it in "Catchy Colors" or "Crayon Box."
7. At work you wear your Flickr badge instead of the company’s badge.
8. You think of reasons to apply "tagging technology" to stuff at work.
9. You look for things to take pictures of, anything, just so you can upload something to Flickr.
10. You join a group called Flickr Addicts.
11. You post this list on your own blog.
... dann muss ich wohl zu den anonymen flickrolikern. ;-)
via blogs that flickr
At 6:17 PM,
Anonym said…
Kann mich da nur anschließen!
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